Hermiston Nazarene Church


She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Mother's Day Wallpapers


1) On the HermNaz App, just click this URL text above.

* On computer, click the button below.

2) Select an image

3) Tap and hold to "save to photos"
or click the "download" icon in the top right corner.

Now you have a wallpaper saved to your phone's photos!
In your phone's settings, you can set it as the wallpaper.

Upcoming Women's Events

MEssaging Group

Stay connected together and receive announcements!

Whether it's an upcoming event, Baby Giving Table, or announcement, now you can easily see the women-specific news right on your device!


Women's Ministry Director

Maggie has been part of HermNaz for several years with her husband, PJ.
Maggie has served in our Hospitality Ministry as a greeter for Sunday mornings and events.  She has been involved in Fall Fest and is a Middle School Girls Life Group Leader with our Student Ministry.