
Whether this is your first time checking out church or you have been around for years, I am thrilled you are here. You may have questions about Hermiston Nazarene Church, our staff, and our programs. Here you’ll find helpful information and a list of things guests most often ask about. I would like to encourage you to take some time and journey our site and then connect with us by filling out the “Connect With Us” portion found at the bottom of each page.
Hermiston Nazarene Church (HermNaz) is a great community of people who are chasing Jesus everyday no matter what that day may hold.
I love my church and maybe you will too. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Pastor Eric (PE)
Hermiston Nazarene Church (HermNaz) is a great community of people who are chasing Jesus everyday no matter what that day may hold.
I love my church and maybe you will too. I look forward to meeting you soon!
Pastor Eric (PE)
Sundays at 10:30am
a place for kids • worship music • encouraging messages
a community to welcome you • free drip coffee
How to find it
1520 W Orchard Ave
Hermiston, OR 97838
(Off of 11th, right past the new Farm Grounds Coffee towards Riverfront Park!)
leadership Teams
Questions? Here's some answers.
Don't see what you're looking for? Just send us a note with the Connect Card below!
Do you have coffee?
Yes! Black drip coffee (and a variety of creamers) is free and available on Sunday mornings. We have a water bottle filler, so feel free to bring your favorite water bottle! Hot tea is available, too. These are located in the back of the main worship center room.
What do I wear?
We are casual. No suit and tie needed!
Title Goes Here
- Nursery is open for 3 years old and younger on Sundays.
- Elementary kids have group time on Sundays. They are dismissed to the Kids Wing during the worship music time.
More about HermNaz Kids: https://hermnaz.church/kids
- Elementary kids have group time on Sundays. They are dismissed to the Kids Wing during the worship music time.
More about HermNaz Kids: https://hermnaz.church/kids
Wheelchair Accessible?