Hermiston Nazarene Church


She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Meals for New Babies

What a blessing and honor to meet two very special little ones last Tuesday! Born just a few rooms from each other and not many hours apart. Welcome to the adventure, sweet girls.

MEALS - Take them a meal over these couple weeks! Sign up with the links above.

Arstein Meals (baby Aria): 
Drop-Off Time is late afternoon, after 3pm, please knock on the door

Parks Meals (baby Lena): 
Drop-Off Time is before 6pm, please knock on the door

Congratulations, moms and dads! You are blessed! Praying for both your families!

Baby Gifting Tables

We have 2 families expecting baby girls in July! Let’s bless them as a church family. The Baby Gifting Tables are in the entryway, please see the dates below for when to bring items.

JENNIFER & CASEY • Collection dates: June 30th - July 14th
The Arsteins are due July 19th with a baby girl. They don’t need anything clothes-wise, but diapers would be greatly appreciated. We are collecting diapers and wipes from June 30 through July 14th at the Baby Gifting Table. The only request is that wipes be fragrance-free and for sensitive skin.

JANA & BRENT • Collection dates: July 21st - August 4th
The Parks are expecting a baby girl mid-July! They aren’t in need of many items, so we are collecting diapers & wipes for them at the Baby Gifting table from July 21st through August 4th.

Upcoming Women's Events

MEssaging Group

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Whether it's an upcoming event, Baby Giving Table, or announcement, now you can easily see the women-specific news right on your device!


Women's Ministry Director

Maggie has been part of HermNaz for several years with her husband, PJ.
Maggie has served in our Hospitality Ministry as a greeter for Sunday mornings and events.  She has been involved in Fall Fest and is a Middle School Girls Life Group Leader with our Student Ministry.