Hermiston Nazarene Church

J.O.Y. Group

Seniors Adults

A group of "Just Older Youth" seeking Jesus, Sharing Life, and Serving People.
We invite you to join us!

Food, Fun, & Fellowship
Monthly Gatherings

* We are taking the summer off! No Lunch in June, July, or August. *

J.O.Y. Group (“Just Older Youth” seniors) meets for lunch at the church every month.

Check this page for upcoming dates.

Plan to join us for food, fellowship, and fun!

Lunch and fun provided.
Wheelchair accessible.
You are welcome to bring a friend!

Internet Safety Sessions

With Detective Shelly Studebaker

Senior Adult Session - Thursday, June 20th, 2:00pm

Parent Session - Wednesday, June 26th, 6:30-8:00pm

Student Session at Youth Group - Sunday, June 30th, 6:30-8:00pm

Important informational awareness sessions to help you understand the online world. It includes new issues and content you maybe haven’t heard of.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS ahead of time. Anonymously on our app and website: click above

Shelly will present a session to senior adults about internet fraud & scams.
The following week, she will present to parents.
And a few days after that, our teens have their session during Sunday youth group.
We hope this will be a helpful tool for families.

As school finishes and the summer online world begins, be sure to attend!

At Hermiston Nazarene Church, 1520 W Orchard Ave

Upcoming Events

Our Mission

We will follow the Lord's direction in meeting the needs of our church community...

by sharing...

our talents and abilities with one another

by functioning as a family unit...

by reaching out to the lonely

by providing fellowship...

opportunities together in a safe place where we share life, chase Jesus, and provide a place to bring people that need to meet Jesus