A group of "Just Older Youth" seeking Jesus, Sharing Life, and Serving People.
We invite you to join us!
Christmas Gathering
Tuesday, December 17th
10:00am in the Ministry Center
“Just Older Youth” senior adults, get ready for a Christmas Gathering!
We will have coffee, refreshments, and an ornament exchange.
For refreshments, we are asking each person (or couple) to bring their favorite Christmas cookies or goodies to share with each other. We can look forward to a nice variety of seasonal treats!
☃️ Bring a friend and we’ll see you there!
Food, Fun, & Fellowship
Monthly Lunch
Senior adults, join our J.O.Y Group Lunches for food, fun, and fellowship. We’ll eat, play a game, get connected and updated about what’s going on in our church family, and pray together. It’s a good time together and we hope you’ll join us.
We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Lunch and fun provided.
Wheelchair accessible.
You are welcome to bring a friend!
Open to all senior adults.
Liberty Quartet in Concert
November 10, Sunday evening
At Hermiston Nazarene church 1520 W Orchard Ave
Come enjoy some Southern Gospel, foot-stomping music and worship.
Event is free of charge.
A love offering will be taken if you’d like to support their music ministry.
CDs and other merchandise will be available for purchase.
Upcoming Events
Our Mission
We will follow the Lord's direction in meeting the needs of our church community...
by sharing...
our talents and abilities with one another
by functioning as a family unit...
by reaching out to the lonely
by providing fellowship...
opportunities together in a safe place where we share life, chase Jesus, and provide a place to bring people that need to meet Jesus