Hermiston Nazarene Church


Pastors, Staff, & Leadership Teams

Eric Fritz

Lead Pastor

Pastor Eric was saved as a teenager, called into ministry shortly after being saved, and has been in full time ministry since 1990.

Pastor Eric (PE) joined our HermNaz ministry team as Lead Pastor in November of 2014.  He loves preaching, mentoring, and helping people apply God's Word to their lives.  He is passionate about applying the radical love of Jesus by showing Jesus in culturally relevant ways.

PE enjoys time on the water fishing and is always ready to grab a fresh cup of coffee with whoever is ready.
He is joined by his wife, Sharon, and their four kids.

Kody Loper

Youth & Worship Pastor

Pastor Kody started at HermNaz in October 2023.
He is a Northwest Nazarene University graduate and was a Young Adults Pastor at a Nazarene church in Oklahoma before moving to Hermiston.  He has also served multiple years on staff at a summer camp, was an NNU Chaplain, and has a heart for people belonging together before believing alike.

Gabrielle Fritz

Office Manager

Gabrielle has a heart for ministry, a passion for serving the Lord, and loves being "involved" in the many parts of ministry at HermNaz.  Gabrielle is also a part of the worship/tech team and is probably who you see taking photos of our events and services.  She graduated with a Certificate of Business and Entrepreneurship and finds these skills helpful in the HermNaz Office.

Got questions?  She can help you out.

Valerie Vandecar


Valerie does a great job making us look good and shine!  She's cleaning on campus several days a week plus does most of the set-up of tables and chairs for events.
Thanks for all you do, Valerie...and big thanks to your husband, Josh, for the hours he and the family spend here helping, too!!

Ministry Leaders


Visitation Team & J.O.Y. Group Seniors


J.O.Y. Group Seniors


Nursery Director


J.O.Y. Group Seniors


Kids Director

Greg & Tammy

Young Adults Directors

Meet Our Church Board

John Burnett

Church Board Secretary / Trustee

PJ Burkley


Josh Vandecar


Eric Townsend


Doug Breshears


Linda Baker


Larry Lightburn


Becky Robison


Kelley Hoskins

Youth Ministry President

Laurie Ross

Life Group Director

Roberta Woodward

Missions President

Brooke Carnine
