Hermiston Nazarene Church

Prayer & Fasting

Prayer & Fasting
November 3 - 5, 2024

With Early Morning Prayer & Worship on Tuesday, November 5th.

We will begin the Fast at church on Sunday, Nov.3, and break it together at Tuesday's early morning prayer & worship on Nov.5.
Plan to make this a priority to join us in praying for our nation.

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

Sunday, January 5 through Sunday, January 26, 2025

Info About our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting...

What is the fast?

As a church family, we start the year with prayer & fasting.
Sacrifice & discipline in fasting certain foods as we go before the Lord in prayer.

Sacrificially surrendering your food habits.
This may mean The Daniel Fast (see below), or some variation of a food fast that requires significant, sacrificial surrender.
For example, instead of giving up chocolate or chips, you're surrendering staples in your diet.
This is a Biblical fast, not just giving up conveniences of our modern life (like media or the news).

Pray. What things are you are bringing before the Lord, earnestly praying and seeking Him after?
  • Declare our dependence on God
  • Reignite the Spirit’s fire in our lives
  • Pray for the lost

* We will not be eating at our Life Group gatherings during the month, and we will not be serving coffee on Sunday mornings (water bottles provided!). We are doing this together as a church family, and want to intertwine the fast with our weekly gatherings.


An example can look like the Daniel Fast.  On the Daniel Fast, you eat plant-based meals that are nutritious and delicious, while setting aside other foods as an act of worship and sacrifice to the Lord.

For information and food ideas, click the button below and explore this Daniel Fast website. (https://ultimatedanielfast.com/)

Where did the Daniel Fast Originate?

"You may be wondering, Where did the Daniel Fast originate? That’s a great question. The Daniel Fast was first observed by the prophet Daniel in the Bible. Scripture gives us some insight (such as in Dan. 10:3) into what Daniel ate and didn’t eat; however, we don’t know his complete menu. On one occasion, Daniel was greatly concerned for his people and sought the Lord’s wisdom during a time of prayer and fasting."


During this year’s fast,

- pray for the lost (intercede for the salvation of those who don’t have a relationship with Christ.  Write their names down and spend time praying over these 21 days)

- pray for something where you need God to move in your personal life (what do you need the Lord to do for you?  Where do you need Him to move in your life?)

- we have requests from local community members that we have collected, & are handing them out at the daily Prayer & Worship at the church

How to Prepare for a Fast

Prepare physically with food prep, and spiritually & mentally with some heart prep.

We had a special month Praying & Fasting in January 2024.
Now, we're learning how to be 22nd Day People.

Watch Pastor Eric, Pastor Kody, and Gabrielle share to other church leaders about Prayer & Fasting.

View our digital packet full of notes, slides, and photos.
Feel free to share with leaders in your church who may be interested in investing in church depth in this way.

Check out our website below for our Fasting Landing Page for our community and church this winter.

Control the food - control the body - control the heart

Is your fast drawing you closer to Jesus, or is it just easy for you to do?  The challenge is for it to be hard, so you can rely on God to sustain you.  We do it to please the Lord.

We encourage to use the times of temptations to lean in to God and His presence within you...it's a good reminder to rely on God when your body is fighting against you, and to pray for what you're fasting for.
