Hermiston Nazarene Church

Q & A

As we are preparing for our Internet Safety Sessions,
you may submit an anonymous question (or two or three!).
We may be able to address it in the session.

Submit Anonymous Questions:

About the Event

Internet Safety Sessions

With Detective Shelly Studebaker

Parent Session - Wednesday, June 26th, 6:30-8:00pm

Student Session at Youth Group - Sunday, June 30th, 6:30-8:00pm

An important informational awareness session to help you understand the online world. Includes new issues and content you maybe haven’t heard of.

SUBMIT YOUR QUESTIONS ahead of time using the form above.

A session for parents is first, on Wednesday, June 26. Then a few days later at Sunday Youth Group, the students have their session.

As school finishes and the summer online world begins, be sure to attend!